The film is classic Noah Baumbach; who's becoming one of my favorite filmmakers!
22 January 2016
'MISTRESS America': Four and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

Acclaimed indie filmmaker Noah Baumbach, reteams with actress Greta Gerwig (for the third time); to make this hilarious, but very sweet, quirky comedy flick! The film was directed by Baumbach, written by Baumbach and Gerwig, and it costars Gerwig and actress Lola Kirke (of 'MOZART IN THE JUNGLE' fame). The movie tells the story of a depressed college freshman, who finds new inspiration for life; when she meets her 'soon-to-be' stepsister. The film is classic Noah Baumbach; who's becoming one of my favorite filmmakers!

Tracy Fishko (Kirke) just started her freshman year, at Barnard College; and she's having trouble fitting in. She develops a crush on another student, named Tony (Matthew Shear); but he begins dating another girl instead, named Nicolette (Jasmine Cephas Jones). Tracy's mother (Kathryn Erbe) is about to be married, and she advises Tracy to meet her fiancé's daughter, Brooke (Gerwig). Brooke is full-of-life, and she inspires Tracy, in ways she's never experienced before. So Tracy writes a fictional short story, influenced by Brooke, and she begins spending a lot more time, with her 'soon-to-be stepsister' (as well).

The movie is brilliantly written, and beautifully directed! The characters are extremely likable, and quirky, and the dialogue is all very witty, and fun too (there's so many classic, quotable lines; all through the movie)! The film is also really inspiring, hilariously funny, and it has a great (nostalgic) 80s feel to it, as well. I absolutely love it, and Noah Baumbach!

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: https://youtu.be/CoUgbXLzKSQ
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