Flawed, but should be respected and viewed...
26 January 2016
This is my first review ever on IMDb...have been following this site since long, but never gave a serious thought of reviewing a movie. But, felt I should pen this down, as this is not just a film, it was a journey for many who were involved and many like myself who saw this turn out like how it has.

First things first, it's not a perfect film, but considering the language, the genre, the image of the lead actor, and the tastes of the target audience, this attempt was a risky one right from the beginning. coming to my review, this is a slick, action thriller, but without a single loud action scene, the scenes between the villain and the lead actor have been conceived with utmost beauty. The film's title may be misleading but it doesn't deviate from the crux which is boundless love between a father and son, and to what extent the son goes to fulfill a father's dying wish. There are scenes which defy logic, but even those scenes have inbuilt logic in them. Each actor has delivered such subtle performance which is difficult to describe and it needs viewing. And the last scene in a hospital is a class act of NTR Jr who has proved time and again that he's in a different league altogether as an actor...There are certain films which need not make huge sound at the box office but after few years if you go back and watch them, you will be proud.. This is one such film and is highly recommended.
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