Sunny Skies (1930)
Songs and dances make this tolerable, but "oye", that dated humor.
21 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Rex Lease and Benny Rubin are as different as night and day, but they team together in thus early talkie college musical comedy where illegal booze is flowing, the flappers are doing the Charleson, and the square faculty is practically tearing their hair cut over trends that they don't understand. Of course, this wouldn't be a college musical without athletics being involved, but unlike another movie musical of the same year, this ain't quite "Good News".

While Benny Rubin is top billed as the comic in the duo of the two male leads, his schtick get pretty stale as the film sludges on. It is certainly better than the next entry in the Rubin/Lease pairing (also directed by Norman Taurog), "Hot Curves", which irritated me like no other early talkie comedy had. Lease would go onto better work with a series of B westerns. The "Boop boop a doop" girl is Marjorie Kane, apparently no relation to the real Betty Boop, Helen Kane, who was extremely popular at the time. Rubin is better when he sings and dances, but his clowning leaves a lot to be desired. Still a curiosity, this has some historical significance even though it is far from classic.
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