All About E (2015)
A Really Good Aussie Road Movie
20 January 2016
Loved seeing the film - in fact, so much so, I've watched it three times. The whole cast is great, but the three leads are particularly good, including newcomer Mandahla Rose who is especially terrific in her role as a somewhat conflicted musician-turned-DJ on the run from her boss with a stash of cash. She's tough but tender and like all the women in the film, strong and determined. Loved the Lebanese back story (the scene with E's mother really resonated) along with the original soundtrack music.

The characters are multidimensional rather than the usual clichés we often see in Australian films - especially ones with LGBTQI characters or ones with outback settings. Even the two drag queens and E's best friend didn't conform to the stereotypes we are so often presented with of bitchy gay men. Totally refreshing! Culturally it's also diverse and beautifully filmed in places - the farm scenes especially bring the landscape alive.
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