Not as Good as "Raiders" or "Crusade," but Still a Great Adventure Film
16 January 2016
This film has often gotten a bad rap, especially around the time of its release. People have criticized this film for being too dark, violent, and disgusting. This may not be as good as the two films it is sandwiched in between, but it is still a lot of fun and another great Indiana Jones adventure.

The problem, of course, is that some scenes are way too violent and disturbing. This makes the movie not quite fit for little children. Another thing, Willie really can grate on your nerves at times with her constant whining and screaming.

However, the movie makes up for that in many other ways. Harrison Ford is still phenomenal as everyone's favorite adventure hero. Short Round is an adorable side-kick to Indy, and to be fair, Willie wasn't quite as annoying in the second half of the movie.

Unlike some people, I actually quite enjoyed the dark tone of the movie. The story was pretty cool, with Indy looking to find the Sankara stones and save the people of the village's children.

The action scenes once again deliver. The chase out in Shanghai is exciting, as is when the gang makes it out of the plane and ride in a raft. The mine cart chase was relentless; it was like being on a roller-coaster ride. The bridge scene was also filled with great tension.

The scenery in India is really nice and we once again get a rousing music score.

This is another classic Indiana Jones adventure. This may be the weakest of the original trilogy, but it's still way better than the fourth film.

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