Inside Out (I) (2015)
The troubles in the real world are even bigger in your head.
16 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A baby is born, she starts with Joy, is quickly joined by Sadness, and then as she grows up is joined by a whole range of other emotions, such as Fear, Anger, and Disgust, who work in the control center of a mind.

Inside Out's main conceit is that all behavior and actions are a series of events that occur within the mind that, no matter how small they may seem in the real world, are all vitally important. In this case, the action centers on an 11 year old girl named Riley whose family has moved from Minnesota to San Francisco. Moving at a young age is a traumatic experience, and in Inside Out, the move to a strange new city that serves broccoli on Pizza and doesn't get snow in the winter is the basis for a crisis that takes the girl away from her natural state of Joy. In fact, Joy is literally lost within the mind as Riley goes through this crisis, encountering issues which shatter the "personality Islands" of Riley's inner self, which are represented like sections of an amusement park, which go down after certain events occur within the real world.

It's an amusing take on the mind, and it is a lot to take in for an animated feature, but it is worth the time spent watching. It is all done in a way that is funny and touching, with some genuinely sad but not traumatic moments. There is loss here, but not the kind that will leave you crying for hours, if you are one of those that cry easily at movies. Very enjoyable film.
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