Asteroid: Final Impact (2015 TV Movie)
A waste of time - yours and mine
16 January 2016
There really isn't very much to say about this film. I feel like I've reviewed it already in one of my reviews of at least a dozen other cheesy low budget disaster movies. Take, for example, the other films of director Jason Bourque, including STONADOS, DOOMSDAY PROPHECY, and SEATTLE SUPERSTORM. Those three and this one are so similar that it's as if Bourque is spending his life remaking the same movie.

Anyway, you know the score by now and if you don't, well, my recommendation is to avoid like the plague. Meteorites are striking Earth and laying waste to various global landmarks, and only a renegade scientist has the knowledge or know-how to stop the attacks. There's a whole lot of running around, some scientific mumbo-jumbo talk, and lots of cheesy CGI scenes of meteorite strikes.

The first thing that becomes apparent is that ASTEROID: FINAL IMPACT has little to do with asteroids, and the original title, METEOR ASSAULT, was a much better fit. The second thing is that this is a Canadian movie, so perhaps even cheaper than its contemporaries. The third is that there are no 'guest name' actors here, unless you include Lochlyn Munro (UNFORGIVEN), and I don't. It's not worth bothering with, anyway.
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