Review of Zombeavers

Zombeavers (2014)
Great crooner theme song :)
12 January 2016
I heard about this some time ago and searched for it, first it said that the project/film had been canceled so I didn't think much of it, until somebody mentioned it, searched again and found it had been released.

I am a sucker for b-movies, I love the originality, the bad effects, the acting and most of all the fun they have making them, that always shines through. If you are not into these kind of films, this will really not be for you, it is a bit amateurish, but has lots of effects, fun and strange things that fits perfectly into the genre. There are attractive girls off course in summer time so they don't need to have much on, stupid "sidekicks" that tries to help but doesn't do very well.

All-in-all an entertaining movie, a bit amateurish in the acting and could have had better effects, but it is an okay b-movie that delivers on the strange plot it promises, Beaver zombies :)
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