The positive side of Vietnam
11 January 2016
Released in 1995, "Operation Dumbo Drop" is a Disney flick inspired by the real story of the US Army supplying an elephant for a village during the Vietnam War. Danny Glover and Ray Liotta star as the two officers in charge of the mission assisted by Denis Leary, Doug E. Doug and Corin Nemec. Dinh Thien Le appears as the boy, Linh, companion of the elephant Bo Tat.

An NCO indirectly linked to the real operation said the movie was much more interesting and fun than the actual event as the mission was pulled off without a hitch with little entertainment value. Being a Disney flick, the combat situations are "Yeah, right" and no one gets hurt, but that's to be expected. Other than this, it's a straight forward dramedy/adventure.

While I'm generally not into Disney flicks, it's nice to see a more positive side of the war after watching movies like "We Were Soldiers," "Platoon" and "A Rumor of War." Believe it or not, there WERE fun, comedic and altruistic occasions over there, every day. Many good Americans perished directly attempting to prevent harm to Vietnamese people. Many risked their lives not in combat, but in aiding civilian villagers in tasks they could not accomplish themselves. Many worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the Vietnamese, providing food, cooking utensils, clothing and other necessities to those displaced by the conflict. Yes, I realize you could argue that they wouldn't be in such a predicament if there was no war, but don't forget that, generally speaking, the South Vietnamese didn't want communistic rule and the conquest-minded NVA were no angels. Look no further than the incredible killing fields of Cambodia.

I love elephants, so I also appreciate this element. What's most enjoyable, besides the great cast, are the exceptional Thailand locations. Although there are a few eye-rolling parts, like all Disney movies, a lot was put into making this film. It's a fun adventure reminiscent of "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Unfortunately, there are no key female parts and the "Yeah, right" moments are too painful to give a higher rating.

The movie runs 107 minutes.

GRADE: C+ or B- (5.5/10)
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