Review of Bone Tomahawk

Bone Tomahawk (2015)
11 January 2016
Disappointing. Its biggest flaw is that it's incredibly lethargic - this is a fairly straightforward Western and there's absolutely no reason that it lasted two and a quarter hours. Kurt Russell, Richard Jenkins, Matthew Fox and Patrick Wilson are tracking a tribe of cannibalistic, troglodyte Indians who have kidnapped Wilson's wife and a couple of others from a small Western town. Russell is best in show by far. Between this and The Hateful Eight, Westerns really seem to be in his wheelhouse, particularly if he grows some impressive facial hair. The other three stars are mostly weak (Lili Simmons, who plays the wife, is decent). The other great part of the film are the monstrous troglodytes, who are legitimately freaky. The dialogue is often bad and the direction is often poor. The whole climax lands with a thud, and it ends abruptly. Despite its flaws, I thought it had some worth and I certainly don't regret watching it.
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