More like a leaf from actual experience than a picture
10 January 2016
Everybody probably recognizes the title of the old song which has been popular for many years, and almost everybody understands its sentiment. The Edison players have reproduced it in a way to make it peculiarly attractive. No one cares to grow old, and when the fact of age is impressed upon anyone as forcibly as it was upon the woman here represented, the pain is often tragic. In that respect the film follows life closely and unquestionably emphasizes very natural sentiments. Indeed, the picture is drawn so true to life that it appears more like a leaf from actual experience than a picture. With the musicians following each of the pictures with the well known melody varying expression to suit, and making it an unconscious undertone to the story, the closing scenes, when the husband declares that she "has never older grown," causes a suspicious moisture under the eyelids. All of middle age will enjoy this picture because it will mean much to them. Youth also will enjoy it; for its sentiment will touch all. It will rank as one of the best, if not the very best of the week. - The Moving Picture World, April 29, 1911
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