Best of the Michael Moore documentaries
10 January 2016
First, Michael Moore is an extraordinary documentarian, making an adventure out of every topic he tackles, rather than a series of talking heads. Bowling for Columbine tackles gun violence in the U.S. with simple, open-ended question: Why the U.S.? What is it about the culture and history as well as access to guns of the United States that makes this country such a dangerous place to live with so many gun deaths compared to all other industrialized countries? His answer is not a simplistic one - it is not simply that we have a 2nd amendment and people misinterpret it as so many anti-gun folks might say. Canadians own about as many firearms and yet they don't have nearly the rate of gun-related deaths. Although many will view this film as anti-gun, I think the film is much more sophisticated than those who feel threatened even by the question "why" understand the film? Moore, in fact, does not come to any hard and fast conclusions, perhaps other than that we in the U.S. live in a culture of fear and there are historical conditions, including racial segregation and economic conditions that we as Americans have not come close to fully addressing. This documentary is a must-see for anyone concerned about the number of gun related deaths and injuries and even for those who believe the 2nd amendment protects a person's right to bear arms, but feels that no "right" is without some reasonable restrictions.
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