Star Leaf (2015)
A Bong-full of Awfulness
9 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like, far out man. Duuude, that was, like, totally mind blowing. This movie was like totally gnarly. I'm, like, totally down for some munchies and cheese. Man, like, this movie just totally was like so awesome in its awesomeness. That star leaf weed was like totally awesome, man. I gotta go out and find me some of that and watch this movie again,so I can, like, ya know, really wrap my mind around the exponentially large ideas being thrown at you.

OK, so, I tried my best to write like I was a stoner. And now I feel both embarrassed and dirty.

The stupidity of this movie has been imprinted on my DNA and will be passed down from generation to generation and any children, grandchildren, etc., I may have will, in fact, be stupider for my mistake of having watched Star Leaf.

What to say about it? Script - sophomoric. Acting - terrible. Editing - even worse. Incidental Music - all I can say is WTF???

To be quite honest, I fell asleep on my couch and missed the last 10 minutes, I believe. On the other hand, maybe I toked up a bit too much star leaf myself and can't remember how it ended.

Anyhow, you're better off getting high or drunk yourself and passing out instead of watching this.
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