Trick questions abound that probably started . . .
9 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . more than one bar fight back in the 1900s. WHAT'S YOUR IQ? NUMBER TWO focuses on the Panama Canal. Donald Trump said recently that it's illegal for Ted Cruz to be President of the United States, because Cruz was born a Canadian. Ted said that he decided to be exclusively American with his first breath of Canadian air. Since most Birthers support Cruz but do not want to appear to be hypocrites, they're now saying that their main objection to current American President Obama is that Barack COULD have been born on the Planet Clare. Panamanian John McCain, who lost to Obama, says that he would have been Kosher in the White House because Panama was a U.S. territory when he was born, as was Arizona when 1964 Republican loser Barry Goldwater first saw the light of day in the Grand Canyon state. Barry wanted to nuke Vietnam while John was being held a prisoner there, which still would NOT have made McCain a hero in Donald's eyes. Despite that, John says Donald may have a point about Ted. Since everyone knows that the Atlantic laps America's Eastern shores, and the Pacific barks at our heels on the West, is it better to ask Panama John, Texas Ted, or Yankee Donald whether your direction through John's Canal is Easterly or Westerly when you use it to get from New York's Stonewall to San Francisco's City Lights? (If you can answer correctly, it means that your I.Q. is high enough to vote in the Republican Presidential Primary.)
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