Classic gentle nostalgic who done it, consistently good quality great actors.
7 January 2016
I first came across this series a couple years ago and since then have looked forward to each new series and have not been disappointed every episode has hit the mark.

Craig McLachlan breaks away from his likely lad image and makes a brilliant job playing the maverick police surgeon Dr Lucien Blake. The wonderful Nadine Garner plays his housekeeper Jean Bezley to perfection. Equally brilliant is Joel Tobeck as the police inspector and former school mate of Dr Blake.

The inter play between Dr Blake and his housekeeper is major source of amusement running through the series. Both characters have back stories that put obstacles in the path of a romantic outcome. Joel Tobeck's police inspector has the tricky job of managing Dr Blake he admires Blake's brilliance but has to reign in Blake when breaks procedure and takes the investigation of at a tangent.

Watch and enjoy every episode is a gem.
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