Surprisingly enjoyable Butcher's b-pic. Indifferently written and directed but briskly paced with cheerful performances from the leads.
7 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When a financier called Steve Mordaunt (Ivan Sansom) buys a collection of rare books on a visit to Belgium, it spells disaster. He instructs his sidekick, Bob Westlake (Hugh McDermott), to transport the books safely to his home once they arrive in England. However, Bob's wife, Susie (Honor Blackman), is kidnapped by a gang of fanatics who demand he hand over the books in exchange for her safe return. It turns out that the collection of books contain the rare works of a fanatical cult and if they fall into the gang's hands they could plunge the whole of the Middle East into war.

A surprisingly enjoyable offering from British b-pic factory, Butcher's Film Distributors. Its indifferently written and directed by Maclean Rogers - a real veteran of the British quota-quickie industry - but it is briskly paced and is lifted by cheerful performances by Hugh McDermott - the imported American lead - and Honor Blackman who would soon shoot to fame as Cathy Gale in the classic espionage series, The Avengers. Both are highly likable as the young hero and heroine and also noteworthy here is Jane Hylton who plays Sansom's girlfriend but, in actual fact, is only cultivating his attentions because she is working for the criminal gang.
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