Changed my mind on this one
4 January 2016
And not in the most flattering direction. I remember liking this when it first came out... I'm old enough to be able to identify exactly what they were parodying, I enjoyed the cameos by such 1960's luminaries as Don Adams and Alan Hale Jr., and I liked the music of the period, so it followed that I would enjoy the movie.

However, it doesn't hold up well. It's deliberately corny, which was acceptable at the time but now comes off as tedious and dull. It feels over-long, although I don't think the run time is excessive (it just feels that way). Many of the songs seem forced, crammed in instead of being part of the natural flow, and the songs aren't that catchy (except for the stand-up-and-dance "California Sun").

Fans of the era or the performers might enjoy it, at least once, but I don't think I'll come back to it again.
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