Review of Specter

Specter (I) (2012)
3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are some decent "found footage" films out there. Devil's Pass and Troll Hunter to name a couple. This film fell miles short of "decent". Here goes...

Characters - not a single likable character in the movie. At no point did I care what happened to any of the characters. Heck, most of the time you can't tell what's happening to them anyways due to the dark and obscure filming. What little character development there is paints a picture of unemployed drug users who like to party in dark, trashy houses... hard to develop empathy there.

Plot - Let's see, an earthquake is mentioned and there's some actual footage of a tsunami and landslides. Not really relevant to any scenes that follow in the remainder of the movie. Possibly the weird stuff you see here and there is alien-related and therefore responsible for the natural disasters? Who knows, nothing is explained. And no, I'm not a simpleton who needs a tidy ending or plot explanations by someone in the movie. But you can't just piece together a bunch of dark, obscure scenes and expect the viewer to use their imagination... there needs to be something more than blurted lines and shaky images to tie it all together.

Pace - think Cloverfield. Main characters at a normal party (well, normal for white trash), unexpected chaos ensues and the characters pretty much run around until the abrupt ending. Keep in mind, they focused several times on the fact that the characters took drugs before the chaos began, so much of what you see could be hallucination and when they focus far too long on a character who is in a trance-like state, you aren't sure whether it's the drugs or the hinted-at alien activity (or whatever it was).

Filming - atrocious. It's dark, there are too many long periods of just black screen, and the few glimpses we get of the weird stuff are simply that... brief glimpses of weird stuff. The glimpses explain absolutely nothing of what's actually happening.

Look, I don't mind "found footage" movies. In fact, I kind of like them and I am pleased when I find a decent one. But add something to it, take a new angle, do something unique! And for crying out loud, the everyone-dies-end-it-abruptly-and-ambiguously ending has been done a zillion times.

This movie, even free, isn't worth the time investment.

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