A very funny film
30 December 2015
I've been reading the other reviews with interest. I saw this film on TV about 45 years ago when I was about 8 years old. Around this time I used to watch two back-to-back films on a Saturday or Sunday and I remember this film because it was absolutely hilarious. All the other good films have been repeated on TV - but I have only ever seen this once. I remember laughing and laughing when watching the film. I didn't know anything about sex at that age. I just saw it as a father trying to get his daughter to 'lighten up', to 'live', and to have an interest in finding a male companion in life, instead of an existence of continual work. I didn't see anything odd about Rock Hudson's character pretending to be a patient with his 'problem'. This subterfuge was a key part of romantic comedy films of the time. I certainly didn't see the 'set-up' scene as anything to do with sex - I just remember it as a slightly naughty prank. In some ways the film does remind me of 'pillow talk' and this isn't surprising as one of the writers is the same. I am very pleased to hear that it is now on DVD and I will be very interested to see it again.
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