Worst movie I've seen all year and it's December 30th
30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Major spoiler warning for this movie equivalent to stepping on Lego's. Despite "popular" belief, this movie was an atrocity. Right off the bat the characters were about as deep as a very un-deep thing (if you think of a better analogy tell me) and the dialogue was forced and unrealistic. The acting made me want to brand my eyes. I've never seen flatter and more monotoned characters than when I watched, "The Room" which is at least funny in a terrible, distorted way. I know I can't expect much on a psycho thriller but I did not know I was signing up for a soggy sock of a film. So many things don't make any sense at all. Why the hell did two 10 year olds left in a kiddie pool for 2 minutes drown? Did they both head-butt each other and pass out? Are the two main characters related or was that some sort of act? Are those previously mentioned dead 10 year olds their kids? Why can't the dude have sex? How did he have kids if he can't? Or was it something that happened after having children? Was it the fact that his kids died? And why the hell do they dress up in creepy doll costumes to kill people? If you want to know the answer to any of those questions you're not getting them when you watch this. This movie leaves so many things unanswered and not in the good theories- and-thoughts- that-keep-you- coming-back way. In the I-want-my-goddamn- money-back- for-wasting-my-time way.
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