Review of Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak (2015)
A great film and welcome break from the jump scare flicks
26 December 2015
I was getting pretty sick of those jump-scare-there's-something-lurking-in-a-dark-corner style movies like Insidious and the Conjuring. And Guillermo Del Toro must have thought the same thing because Crimson Peak is a gorgeous looking Gothic style movie with awesomely designed sets which have an incredible amount of detail to them. This adds a great dark and brooding atmosphere to the film and alleviates the need for these aforementioned jump scares. The story is well written and has great characters played by Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston and other well cast actors. Unfortunately it got only moderate critical reviews and was also somewhat ignored by the audience in favor of Goosebumps no less. Damn kids, they ruin everything! wink emoticon

But it might get a second life in the video circuit as people might still discover this very enjoyable movie. Big thumbs up for me!
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