24 December 2015
"White Vengeance" (aka "Hong men yan chuan qi") is right up alongside with epic movies such as "Hero" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and it is a shame that it didn't get as much attention as they did. "White Vengeance" is a grand epic and it completely took me by surprise.

The story, simply put, is about two brothers who become pitted against each other in a battle for rulership. There are too many subplots in the movie to fully do it justice with a synopsis. It has to be seen firsthand on the screen.

There is just so much detail in the movie, not only in the storyline, but also in the costumes, sets and props. It is simply overwhelmingly breathtaking.

I was impressed with the cast, and they had some big Hong Kong names on the cast list. Anthony Wong, Leon Lai, Jordan Chan and Andy On. I have never seen Jordan Chan in an epic movie, but he really held his own and did a great job. Yifei Liu also did an amazing job with her role.

"White Vengeance" was captivating and interesting from the very beginning and up to the very end. So you will not really be noticing that the movie actually runs for more than two hours.

This is definitely a MUST watch if you enjoy Asian epic movies.
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