WWII begins...
21 December 2015
This episode begins with the outbreak of WWII. While the US was officially neutral, Franklin Roosevelt was clearly pulling for the Brits. However, there was a limit to what he could do as the Americans were sick and tired of war. So, as Hitler's forces take country after country, FDR can do little other than to send Mr. Hitler a nastygram. This also coincides with the end of FDR's second term--and he is reticent to run for a third. However, he is persuaded and his policies really aren't that different from his opponent's, Wendell Wilkie. Both are in favor of the draft and gearing up for war. And, when the Japanese attack in December, 1941, FDR no longer needed to fight Congress--we were in it all the way. As for Eleanor, she wasn't happy as her husband allowed most of his New Deal reforms to disappear and Franklin wasn't overly concerned about the rights of Japanese- Americans and blacks. Towards the end of the show, FDR is dying.

Overall, this is another well made episode of Ken Burns' series-- engaging, very interesting and well worth seeing.
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