The Flash: Running to Stand Still (2015)
Season 2, Episode 9
Feliz Navidad
9 December 2015
It seems The Flash writers can't help but to raise the stakes more and more with each episode, and also tease us with some of the cool things that will come after the winter's break the show is going to take. This episode was nothing short of amazing, and it was especially because of every actors top notch acting.

We start with Zoom and Wells spending some nice time together, and then we jump to a prison break, Liam McIntyre's Weather Wizard deciding that Mark Hamill's The Trickster and Wentworth Miller's Captain Cold deserved some fresh air for Christmas. His plan? That the three team up to kill The Flash.

It is always nice to see these three actors, and even if the team doesn't fulfill its potential, I think the episode more than delivers in its action and "villain of the week" part. I love Mark Hamill's gleefully acting as The Trickster, even if the hair may be a huge part of my loving the character.

But what makes this episode especial is the moments between characters. Everyone involved in the show has done a great job to make us care about these characters, and here almost every actor has their special moment. And Grant Gustin has grown as an actor during this year and a half since the show started and it shows. You many not cry, but your eyes will brim with tears.

The only downside may be the unnecessary Weather Man-Patty feud.

Pretty awesome. And so much more to come...
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