The Flash: Running to Stand Still (2015)
Season 2, Episode 9
The Holiday Blues
8 December 2015
I understand people who don't like CW shows because they can be a bit melodramatic at times and tend to have b-list actors, but I think what The Flash and Arrow are doing is far superior to those complaints. This episode is a prime example of how to properly execute an emotionally fueled plot with terrific performances all around. It may not be the smoothest episode but it was hard not to get the feels multiple times this week. Everyone was on top of their game.

In typical CW fashion, the mid-season finale is a Christmas/holiday themed episode, which I believe has happened every time for both Flash and Arrow. We'll see if Arrow does the same tomorrow night. Overall, I think this was the best acted episode of the season and probably of the series in general. I think the most stunning example of this was Candice Patton's performance as Iris. I've been harsh on her numerous times in the past but I have to give credit where credit is due. She was really good when the writing called for her to be emotional and I actually enjoyed watching her on screen. Keep it up Flash writers.

Tonight we had a trio of villains and four if you count Captain Cold's brief role. The Trickster is obviously the character we all wanted to see again after Mark Hamill's memorable appearance last year, and I wasn't let down tonight. We didn't get as much of him as last time, but there plenty of fun moments and Liquorice to go around. And by the way, is he not basically playing the live action Joker? He uses his fantastic Joker voice, I love it. I know Cold was meant to add a little bit more gravitas to the episode but other than having him released from prison so that he could be in Legends, I didn't see any point of having him in the episode. Plus, I feel like there have been like 4 different times he has had a 'set up' moment for his character to be a more likable guy in Legends, so this just felt like a rehash for his character.

It was nice to see Mark Mardon come back as the Weather Wizard, especially because his presence meant an expanded role for Patty as she was out to get revenge for her father's murder. This story line seemed similar to a few years back when Roy would go on ROYd rage and Oliver 'calmed him down' by revealing himself as the Arrow. I really thought this episode would have been the moment for Barry to reach Patty by revealing himself to be the Flash to stop her from killing Mardon, but I was wrong. There's really no need to keep it a secret anymore. Nonetheless Shantel VanSanten was very convincing throughout the episode. Yet another great performance from tonight.

There was a large focus on the West family tonight, which I'm usually on the edge about, but Iris and Joe were very good tonight. Their side story about meeting Wally was a touching moment and nicely timed with the Christmas theme. It's interesting to think about Wally West possible role going forward. The last thing I should touch upon is Harrison's sub plot. I like the direction they took Wells this year and having him being a jerk but a likable jerk with reasons for why he's doing what he's doing. I also can't help but think they are taking him down a far too similar path by having him help Zoom build Barry up, only to take him down. Here's hoping it's different enough.

+Performances across the board


+Touching West sub plot

+Patty's arc

+Seeing Mark Hamill

+Christmas themed

-No real need for Captain Cold


Zoom Identity Watch (Predictions)

Jay Garrick - 33%

Wally West (Earth 2) - 10%

Barry (Earth 2) - 20%

Barry's dad (Earth 2) - 37%
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