"relationships" film with humor thrown in. not bad.
7 December 2015
Kind of a thinker film. LOTS of talking. (Will) Dmitri Martin and Kyle Bornheimer (Clark) are out "celebrating" Kyle's pending divorce, and they go tooling around the city in a limo. With Kyle still in his sweatpants. Some funny lines in the bar, when the guys meet the girls. The chicks are pretty harsh at first, when Clark offers to buy them a drink... I would have walked away after the first couple insults from one of the girls, but I guess some people dig a challenge. Eliza Coupe and Mary Elizabeth Ellis play two sisters who accompany the guys on their journey. Only three hundred votes on this so far. Looks like this was shown at a bunch of film festivals in 2014, but I hadn't heard of this one before. Nudity. Some clever conversation, mostly about dating, marriage, sex, childbirth. Pretty good, strong, storyline. No shoot em up crazy, wild action, but that's OK. We get more than enough of that from Bruce Willis and Ah-nold. My only complaint was the song that plays during the final credits. Did NOT enjoy hearing someone scream the lyrics way out of their range. Hurt my ears. Directed by Mo Perkins, who has written some interesting films about relationships. I'll let the reader research the fun titles. Nothing at all on Perkins' bio page. Written by Hal Haberman. Nothing on his IMDb bio page either.
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