Little Boy (2015)
Nice approach to a familiar theme
4 December 2015
This movie was a new approach at story telling. I can't remember off hand any other movie that was structured like this.

It certainly works. The story is told through the titular little boy who is literally just that: a child who is small for his age to the extent his parents take him to a doctor to see if something is wrong. He is small in size, but not in dreams, hope, or faith. His father has marched off to fight in World War II, and the builds upon his heart felt wish of his father's safe and swift return.

Much of the action is allegorical, and the story does need to be told that way. However, the flip side of that coin is that some of the ideas are heavy handed and intrusive. One example is little boy's interaction with a Japanese man, to address the interment controversy which in turn looks at the atmosphere of bigotry that caused it. This aspect of the story is the film's strongest sub-plot, but there are a few minor problems on how it was utilized. The interpretation of the child calling upon spiritual powers was overdone, and inaccurate which undermined what the movie was meant to say.

Excellent acting and a well devised script. The characters are involving, and the story contains all the faith and optimism that it is meant to convey. Ultimately, the concept of the movie works well, and the ending supports it.
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