A good movie
30 November 2015
Quickie Review:

In an alternate world where Earth is not catastrophically hit by an asteroid, dinosaurs have evolved and are thriving. Arlo, a young Apatosaurus is accidentally separated from his family. He must overcome his fears with the help of his unlikely human friend Spot, and survive the journey to find his family. The Good Dinosaur, is a great family friendly animation that lives up to the Pixar reputation of innocent humour and emotional beats that tug at your heart. On a technical side, this is a marvellous looking animation, perhaps their most advanced movie yet. On the story front however, the creativity is lacking. Nevertheless the movie is executed well, sure to be an entertaining time with friends and family.

Full Review:

Pixar, as I've said in the past is arguably one of the best studios in the business, and will always attract an audience no matter what they release. So loved are their films that perhaps we get too upset at even the small flaws of the movie. Now, by no means is The Good Dinosaur one of Pixar's best, but it certainly has the charm we've come to know from their previous work.

The interesting twist here is that the dinosaurs and humans have switched the roles of animals and "civilised" beings. We see dinosaurs that farm or herd livestock or equivalent to a crazy cat lady a dinosaur that obsessively collects pets. There are plenty of colourful characters, and the ways in which human behaviour is blended into each of them is quite clever. The focus and true gem of the movie is the growing relationship between Arlo and Spot. Of the two only Arlo has dialogue but it's in the quiet moments that the movie is most impactful. Both share a tragedy in their lives and they are depending on each other. So when we see the lengths they will go to for each other, it is genuine and heartfelt that does not need to be put into words. As for the animation itself, it is absolutely gorgeous. The landscapes are so photo-realistic that you might wonder at times if you are watching an animation or actual footage. The animals are more cartoon-ish but it is a contrast that actually works, and perhaps helps soften the negatives I'm about to explain.

All Pixar animations try to cater to audiences of all ages. Humour wise I think this movie strikes that balance well. However, I must give a small warning to parents with very young children about the violence. Now it is not graphic, it's still given a cartoon treatment, but as a full grown adult even I must admit there were some scenes that caught me by surprise that it's in a kid's movie. This may be a concern for some parents so that's why I bring it up, otherwise don't worry about it. On the other hand the lack of creativity in the plot is something that everyone will notice. Compared to Inside Out the bare-bones story here has been seen time and time again. So don't expect to be blown away by something new.

All in all, The Good Dinosaur is well… a good movie. Sure the story is unoriginal, but it is one that resonates with the audience because of the relationship of Arlo and Spot. With the holiday season coming up, this a great option for the family to enjoy together. And prepare yourself to get emotional over a cartoon dino.

P.S. If you are of Indian descent like me, with Hindu parents. You will love the short shown before the movie. It instantly transported me back to my childhood Saturday mornings.
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