RoboCop 3 (1993)
I've seen worse!
27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't understand the all-negative reviews regarding this movie. I thought it was quite decent. Let's discuss the reasoning via Pros and cons.

Pros: the movie itself fits right in the time-line with the first two RoboCop movies. We know that OCP is the big villain in all three of them because of their idea of wanting to take over Detroit with their Delta City design which would involve taking out old neighborhoods (as the character Mayor Cuzak pointed out in RoboCop 2). In the this installment, it seems that OCP tries to actually GO THROUGH with the Delta City redesign by means of brute force through a group know as the "Rehabs" who forcefully drive individuals and families out of their homes and on buses just so they can build their Delta City. Robocop with his new gadgets and tools made by Dr Lazarus take the side of the citizens as any good police officer would and finally deal a final blow to OCP towards the end. Plus we get to see a better character development out of RoboCop and Alex Murphy.

I actually thought it was rather action packed and the plot line was pretty clear. You want a horrible movie? Watch From Justin to Kelly or 50 Shades of Grey!!! Robocop 3 is way better than those two.

Cons: The plot line seemed a BIT predictable and Peter Weller was not there to reprise his role as RoboCop. Also sucked that Officer Lewis gets killed by OCP. I kind of zoned out at the non-action parts, but nonetheless, the whole movie was watchable.

Give it the benefit of the doubt and try watching it before knocking it.
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