Sterile, Devoid Of Emotion - A Huge Letdown
23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*** Spoilers for both Hunger Games and Twilight.*** Several of us saw this film together. We find it hard to believe it was made by the same people as Hunger Games 3.

The first 3 built and built into better and better films, and promised a moving finale, but instead we got a damp squib, from start to finish (that was apparent way before the weak ending). A full auditorium had nothing to react to.

The whole film was sedate, not carefully paced like HG3. Tension was minimal, even where they had chances to ramp it up (eg the tunnel sequence). The music was average. The whole extended ending was way too nice (maybe the fault of the author, not the director) - a twist similar to Twilight would've rescued it, but even that didn't materialise.

We didn't care what happened to the characters... we should have cared! Everyone deserved to see Snow get his comeuppance. Katniss spent the whole franchise protecting Primrose, and when she finally failed to do so, the film muddled the revelation. So many of the performances were phoned in - even Donald Sutherland, who was fabulously oily in HG1 to 3.

The Hobbit trilogy ended very poorly, and The Hunger Games was only somewhat better. That's not saying much.
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