Review of Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4 (2014 Video Game)
From RATCAT your IMDb 3D compatibility games reviewer
22 November 2015
First (as usual) for my 3d review. Yes 3D works quite well using nVision That means glasses and a good 120 Hz refresh rate monitor. You may need to download the 3D wrapper from Helix. If you have been following my reviews you will know of Helix. 3D isn't perfect but it is far better than boring old 2D. Your weapon does not stick out of the monitor and over your keyboard like many other titles. This seems to be an ongoing problem because new games use shadows and lighting to such a degree these days. Turn depth up all the way and convergence... well turn it up as high as it will go before the whole scene seems to turn back in on itself. In other words turn it up as high as you feel comfortable with. Now for the main game review... Phew is this game full on or what? It seems like such a major departure from FC1. No one-way hallway linear shoot/kill business here! You are faced with a massive array of quests, side quests locations - skills - upgrades that at first it can seem all too much but fear not. Just head out and choose a destination or quest and before you know it two hours has come and gone like that! Add to the whole experience some of the most amazing sites, graphics and textures and you have yourself probably the biggest thing in gaming since Pong! You may start your session with one goal in mind but you will end up completing a half dozen other quests even without trying such is the plethora of entertainment in Far Cry 4. This game is worth every cent and if you cannot find at least a bit of enjoyment then perhaps Windows solitaire might be your style. You can make this game as hard or as easy as you like depending on how ambitious you are. It seems that at times the action and all else becomes a little tedious when all at once you are thrown into a mind bending scenario designed to make one push forward. The only draw back is the very occasional bug and the endless array of baddies wanting to take you out Ajay when in reality all you want to do is find 'X'. Ming be damned for he is one bad Pagan. Ten well cooked rubber chickens from this reviewer.
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