Blackjack (1998 TV Movie)
One of the worst films for both Lundgren and Woo
21 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My God! I was hoping that this would turn out to be Lundgren's best film - turns out instead that it's his worst I've seen. John Woo makes a television movie and does it very badly. The pacing is non-existent, the movie packed with extraneous characters (like the young girl) and the whole thing feels like it's been patched together from four television episodes. I've never known a Woo film to drag or be incredibly boring until now.

Things look promising at the beginning with a house massacre, with Lundgren taking on a whole gang of bad guys in Woo's inimitably violent style. Sadly things descend into silliness when a trampoline comes into play. Then the action is over and done with, until a predictable but fun motorbike fight in the woods halfway through. The baddie turns out to be a single sniper, and the sight of Lundgren chasing a single villain just isn't a lot of fun. Quite boring, in fact.

Lundgren is terribly wooden, the supporting cast no better (although that French guy was kind of amusing). Even good old Fred Williamson is wasted in a role where he does little or nothing. The nonsensical plot lurches from one instance to another, only occasionally making sense as it goes along. The villain isn't big or clever, just irritating and whiny. The females look pretty but are pretty vapid. And talk about that anti-climatic ending. Oh yeah, and at the beginning Lundgren gets blinded by a flash grenade and develops a phobia of the colour white. Later on he has to fight in a milk factory. Bet you couldn't see that one coming, could you? A new career low for both Lundgren and Woo, abysmal stuff.
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