Butcher Boys (2012)
Not a horror movie,neither a comedy one
19 November 2015
While I was watching this movie there was plenty of times I couldn't stop myself from thinking I was watching an anime. The way the guys walk, talk, that sniffing thing. At first, I thought the writer went bananas when wrote the script but in the middle of the story I got it. It has gore and remind me of Hostel at the beginning, then it turns out to be more like Scary Movie. The story is good, you need to know that it is an anime like story to enjoy it. So wait for something like uni- dimensional characters, unnecessary dialogs and somethings with a bad explication. I laugh with some of the butcher boys, I guess they wanted to do them as crazy guys who are mad in all the possible ways, their personalities reminded me of Deadpool. The dog and that dress, they're comic. The end is like what the…? I loved and hated this movie. That so bad that it's good thing. A good movie to relax if you relax with screams and this kind of crap. It has a lot of potential, it just was not used so well. PS: English is my second language, so I'm sorry about any mistakes.
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