Jingle All the Way 2 (2014 Video)
Not this season's must have
15 November 2015
Jingle all the Way 2 is a belated sequel to the 1996 film that starred Arnie and this has nothing to do with the first film apart from the basic plot line of going after the most sought after toy for Christmas.

Noel is an eight year old girl whose mum has just remarried to Victor who is wealthy and runs a successful business. Victor wants to be a good stepdad to Noel and wants her to love him as much as she loves her dad.

Larry is her dad, he is a little laid back, a little dim but well meaning who spends much of his time in the diner. Once he gets an inkling that Noel wants the season's hottest toy, The Harrison Bear he goes looking for it everywhere but Victor has sent his crony round to buy them all up first.

This is really a cheap looking and corny film but somehow I actually laughed and tittered several times to my surprise. I have sat through bigger budget and high concept comedies stone faced so at least the film got something right.

Larry just about keeps the film moving along with some slapstick as the well meaning dad who loves his daughter and prepared to put up with her new stepdad. Victor is the slimy one wanting to get one over Larry and wants the genuine love from Noel. Strangely the film makes a valid point about stepfathers feeling left out in this new family arrangements.

All I can say is that this pointless sequel is actually a lot better than expected.
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