Pedestrian giant squid flick with Victoria Pratt
14 November 2015
Released to TV in 2006, "Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep" chronicles the adventures of an expedition led by archaeologist Nicole (Victoria Pratt) to find a legendary Greek Opal, which turns out to be guarded by the very beast that murdered one of the team member's parents (Charlie O'Connell), a giant squid. As they come face to face with the creature they are forced to tangle with a ruthless treasure-hunting mobster (Jack Scalia), who will stop at nothing to steal the treasure.

While the BC locations are great and the squid looks pretty good for low-budget CGI, the acting of the protagonists is too flat and the villain is overly cartoony. Fitness model Pratt comes off as a more buff Kate Hudson, but doesn't do much for me. Michal Yannai as Sally is equally blasé. The stunning Nicole McKay is on hand as the heavy's babe for all of 20 seconds. I realize a lot of work went into making this movie and it's worthwhile if you favor Pratt, O'Connell or sea monster flicks, but it's just overall too prosaic.

The movie runs almost 90 minutes and was shot in Britannia Beach, Squamish & Vancouver, British Columbia.

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