The Ending ruins the film
14 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty good thriller, unfortunately let down by a lame finale/ending. A hit-man is killing people working late at a massive law firm and it's up to a recently fired worker played by Max Minghella to stop him. And uncover a secret conspiracy involving a omnipresent pharmaceutical company?

I know, what the hell? A drug company is bigger than the government according to the ending of this movie, bigger than the police. It's hilarious. Most of the movie was a normal thriller involving hit-man JJ Felid doing his best Christopher Walken impersonation, prowling around the office building murdering coworkers of Minghella.

I can see why this movie was shuffled from release in 2012, not just that the movie is 75 minutes long, but the ending is complete nonsense and leaves me going what?

And it made me think, is there a whole reel of this movie sitting somewhere that got cut out by Universal that had the complete resolution of this thing on it.

Poor Minghella who was actually a notable actor from things like Social Network, The Ides of March, The Internship, Syrianna, Art School Confidential, Horns had to star in this. And the big claim to fame on the DVD box was that Jason Blum produced it, which is true, but I don't think he's too proud of it, considering the DVD had zero special features and was just slapped on there.

Oh and that one girl who plays Max's girlfriend might be familiar to people who remember her from Fifty Shades of Grey playing Dakota Johnson's friend.

Joe Johnston makes a movie that actually succeeds in being worse than Jurassic Park III, so well there's that. It's not awful, awful, but it's pretty one note, and the ending makes me go huh. I can't state that enough.
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