Review of The Boy

The Boy (I) (2015)
13 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the commercials and watching the preview for this movie I was excited to see it. However, after actually watching it on IFC on Friday night my excitement quickly subsided and I was amazed at how boring the movie turned out to be. I kept hoping it would get better but it didn't. It was hard to watch the whole movie but I wanted to make sure I gave it every chance to get better. It did not get better. The characters are very weak and there is not a lot of depth to them. The acting isn't bad. The movie has some good talent in it. The writing (or lack there of) is what kills this movie. We are essentially watching a bored child mope around a motel and take his frustration out on everything and everyone around him. Perhaps they could have done a little more background on the farther son relation so that we had a better understanding of the back story. The movie billed itself as a thriller but this was anything but. Not a worthwhile movie to watch. Very boring.
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