Formerly called "Chigger Ale" and a special feature on the CRUMBS DVD
9 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This short film preceded CRUMBS but has some of the same elements. It's a surreal short film about a misshapen Nazi who loses his mustache. It's well done and can be found as an extra on the CRUMBS DVD. The director (same as Crumbs) has a very unique sensibility and eye for envelope-pushing images that are ultimately very surreal and dreamlike. You can trace a lot of CRUMBS back to this short film. Watch for the Nazi goat. A quite interesting blend of Ethiopian culture, Nazism, and surrealism. There is also another short film as an extra on the CRUMBS DVD that is worth watching. The CRUMBS DVD also comes with a temporary tattoo you can put on a body part of your choosing. This is definitely a filmmaker to watch. He has a Spanish name but has lived in Ethiopia.
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