The Hollow (2015 TV Movie)
The shallow pit of horror genre
3 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine a movie where almost every conversation start with random character sneaking up on each other and then followed by obnoxious shrieking, this is what Hollow has in store for you. It tries to invoke scare from out of nowhere, opening doors, dropping items and even people standing still are accompanied by startling sound effect. Coupled with rehearsed plot and horror clichés, this bottom of the barrel movie would net lowest score if not for its decent creature design.

This is the story of three sisters trapped in an island, their main role is to shout each other's' name literally the entire movie. The youngest one is the clairvoyance type whose hobby is running off towards danger, she's only there for sympathy bait and cryptic messages. The other two don't have much better character development either, they would bicker constantly, then panic and suddenly go into hero mode.

Other supporting characters are there mainly for unintended comedic purpose. They would deliver some backstory or advice, which the sisters would ignore, and these extras would die in the span of next few minutes. It's appallingly bad, not to mention these girls decide on the worst plan more than one occasion. The movie sometimes turns into clips of weird vision and it repeatedly plays out the same plot over again.

The saving grace is its creature and practical effect. The design is pretty well done, admittedly better than typical B-movies. Some effects for gore are also dauntingly brutal. The setting of small faraway town could create good atmosphere. However, these are not integrated well into the story, resulting in uninspiring use of said creature.

If you have seen the poster, you have seen the best part, the rest is muddled plot, utterly tiresome characters and unintentionally comical occurrences.
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