You Carry Me (2015)
A perfect representation of a father-daughter relationships
3 November 2015
This is a great story about ordinary people! I watched You Carry Me last night at the premiere in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and I am very glad that our country is one of the film's co-producers. Finally, a product of the film industry that brings our region together, and doesn't try to separate it like our politicians are constantly trying to do. The cinematography of this part of Europe is exhausted with war topics, and You Carry Me seems like the light at the end of the tunnel.

Everyday problems we face are finally represented without dramatic exaggeration, they are not made to look fancy, and we believe the story like we believe our own eyes. I like how the three stories intertwine in such a way that leaves enough unsaid to make us curious, but at the same time the director doesn't insult the viewers' intelligence. She films reality exactly like we see it. Life never points out the truly important moments, it is up to us to recognize them, and that is exactly how this film is made.

Dora's role (Helena Beljan) is majestic, this debutant has a great career ahead of her! Using Balašević's song in the film was a brilliant move, maybe the best usage of a song in a film ever. I could watch that scene over and over again, it was such a simple moment with very little words, and yet, everything that needed to be said, was said. It was a perfect representation of a father-daughter relationship, the best in the regional cinematography. Hajduković and Beljan have played their debutant roles brilliantly, and they preformed this scene exceptionally great. In their performance we can see the whole history of their relationship which was never shown in the film. Vedran feels Dora's emotional state while she's standing on the other side of the wall. No matter the distance between them, there is always something that connects them, a father always knows when something's not right. Raw, honest, powerful!
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