Either a parody of or an homage to 1970s after school specials
31 October 2015
If you like cautionary melodrama laid on so thick that you aren't sure if it's supposed to be a joke, this movie is for you. It reminds me a little of Crash and (if you go way back) Mazes and Monsters. It seems to want to be an exploration of how the internet collides with teen angst, but it weirdly seems to have been written by someone who was never a teen and only knows what the internet is from 2nd hand descriptions. Aliens maybe? I really don't know who could have come up with this script in earnest. It's full of weird misconceptions about things that I previously assumed were part of commonplace experience. I'm pretty sure the actors were taking it seriously though. Wow, is there a lot of Serious Acting being Acted here.
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