Seann William Scott in a mostly serious role, he does it well.
31 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We found this movie on DVD from the public library.

My introduction to Seann William Scott was those years ago where he played the dumbest, most useless character in the world in the "American Pie" movies. In fact in one of my reviews I stated that he ruined the movie for me.

Now he carries this movie and he does it well, proving that with the right material he is good. Here he is Ted Morgan and as the movie begins we see him underwater, apparently about to drown. he wants to die, he is tired of finding reasons why he should live.

In flashbacks we see Ted was a nice, smart, meek boy who was bullied in grade school. He grew up to be an ordinary, middle of the road guy, working in a pet store and married, but then seeing his wife cheating with her guitar instructor. When he grew up he moved as far away from Massachusetts as he could, to California. So now he is going back, to tell off the teacher who was mean to him, to punch the bully, and then with his life in order kill himself.

His plans hit a pothole when he meets pretty and upbeat Olivia Thirlby as Greta, the dying old teacher's granddaughter, as he is yelling at her in her old folks home bed. Greta decides she will document Ted's quest to end his life.

So basically what this movie is about is Ted's thinking he has it so bad but when he goes back home the cute little girl is now married with 5 kids, a dullard for a husband, she does laundry, and she has gotten very big. The bully he finds out was always bullied by his own dad and has grown up to be a very nice guy who loves his own special needs son. His brother's wife is acting weird. So basically he sees that he actually has it pretty good compared to others.

Garret Dillahunt is often a bit too far over the top as Ted's policeman brother, Lucky Morgan, and his unhappy wife who pretends to be sleep walking when she goes into Ted's room at night to undress and masturbate in front of him, Kate Walsh as Kathleen Morgan. Then there's the homosexual teenage son.

Yes, this story has some really screwed up characters, the humor works often but sometimes it is just weird. But overall it is a good movie as long as one doesn't shy away from lots of filthy language by most characters. That seems to be how everyone is making comedies these days.

On a side note it was nice seeing Connie Stevens as Nancy, the mom of Ted and Lucky.

Seann William Scott is the best thing in this movie.
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