I Am Cait (2015–2016)
I was excited to hear this show was coming
31 October 2015
And, I wasn't disappointed. I watched Bruce's transformation into Cait and was so happy for her. I was hoping the show wouldn't be exploitative, and it isn't.

It isn't just Cait trying on clothes all day, as a former reviewer stated. It isn't even about her transition, it's a lens in which to view the trans community. This show will be polarizing. Some will like it and others will hate it.

How one views Cait Jenner says a lot about how they feel about the trans community and other LGB folk. The conversations online it comment sections is heart rending. So much hate spewed, it really makes them uncomfortable that someone wanted to change their body to match their mental gender.

I applaud Cait taking on trans issues for the whole community. She is a role model, a with her she brings the Kardashian celebrity baggage. Some have wondered if she can be an effective voice for the community. They cite her money and ease of transition as not being representive of the experience of most trans folk. I don't have an answer to all of this. Only the future will tell us how well she carries the mantle.

This show gets people talking. It weeds out the haters from the supporters. I love the accepting and celebratory vibe from the show. It's about time trans folk felt like they could be open and proud of who they are. I bet it will kick off many name change parties in the future!
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