Poirot: The Mystery of the Spanish Chest (1991)
Season 3, Episode 8
One of the darker episodes.
30 October 2015
Poirot and Hastings visit the opera, there they meet Lady Chatterton, who explains the danger facing a friend Mrs Clayton, who's husband Edward is a violent man.

Poirot's dancing is to be seen to be believed, it is a hilarious moment. That's the lighter side to what is a very dark episode, the story is quite deep, and the murder itself is one of Christie's nastiest, one worthy of belonging in a horror film.

I think the highlight of the episode must be the opening sequences, very atmospheric, they set the tone of the episode well.

Solidly acted, Pip Torrens is perfectly cast as Major Rich, Caroline Langrishe is incredibly beautiful, she truly looks the part, I understand the infatuation with her.

If this episode tells you anything, it's never climb into people's furniture.

The usual production values apply, it looks good, Major Rich's room in particular looks so smart.

It's a good solid episode, more memorable for the gruesome murder then the story. 7/10
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