The Flash: Flash of Two Worlds (2015)
Season 2, Episode 2
Spivot: Flash! Allen/ Garrick: Coming!
29 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Now that's a bloody good episode. Normally when a series starts the first episode is amazing and the second lack just a little, this one however is the opposite.

Teddy Sears playing Jay Garrick made the episode, really nailing his presence mixed with his good hearted nature of the comics with a modern twist. What's more interesting is how he interact with the team. Everyone is willing to accept him with open arms, accept Barry, who after the events with Harrison Wells is have some trust issues. This is much better that the initial, 'oh we'll let you join us' without any real evidence that he's a good guy, other than his word. Barry shows his hesitance that gives the character more layers, showing he's frightened of another 'Wells' situation. One of the best parts is where Garrick gets frustrated with Allen when he still doesn't believe that's he's on the side of good half way through the episode.

We get a good look at Zoom in two scenes, clad in a black full body speedster suit, vibrating much like the Reverse Flash did. The first scene he appears in is whilst fighting Jay Garrick & the second where he recruits Sand Demon, allowing us to hear the tremendous voice of Tony Todd.

Another character who's shown a different side to them, Cisco. realising he's developing meta human abilities and not wanting to talk about it, brilliant. Supporting characters like these normally just love all the superhero stuff, without taking in the gravity of the situation, almost as if a fan is taking over the role rather than the comic book character. But this time its different, Cisco is showing fear as to what will happen if these powers keep evolving. Giving him more of a relatable aspect rather than just a one dimensional character

Now obviously the best scene is when Barry and Jay need to fight Sand Demon, terrific battle, Barry gets a new ability and they make probably one the the best references so far to a classic Flash issue. Running on either side of a wall with Patty Spivot positioned perfectly as the person in peril on the cover, it truly was terrific.

Last thing; before the credit the scene revealed Earth 2, showing it off with this golden hue to it and all to of people dressed, kinda similar to the 1940s (or at least inspired by) then you have Harrison Wells make his appearance in a slim fit suit, with an ambiguous sinister tone to him cause us to think, who is he? -Thawn -The real Dr. Wells - Or something else

In summery, it was a great episode an improvement on the 1st Ep, causing me think there is more greatness to come.

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