Eyewitness (1981)
Miss Weaver's fans will love this one!
27 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After their success with Breaking Away, Steve Tesich (writer) and Peter Yates (director) turned out this murder thriller and appropriately cast Alien's Sigourney Weaver, although it is actually hero William Hurt who stalks – and is stalked – through the creepy corridors and basement of a New York office block. The movie has great atmosphere and some great action (despite an obviously mechanical dog and far too contrived, set-piece climax). Unfortunately, like many other movie mysteries, the plot is long on atmosphere but very short on credibility. In fact, the eye-rolling modus operandi, ridiculous coincidences and the lack of character consistency dissipate interest about three-quarters of the way through. Nevertheless, the detective is given some witty lines ("He wanted to be a suspect when he grew up!") and there are even a few occasions when our slow-speaking and somewhat dim hero adds to the fun: "He was afraid of Orientals, so he lived in the middle of Chinatown!" James Woods is excellent as the suspect. He looks and acts the part with credit. On the other hand, poor Christopher Plummer struggles with a thankless and ridiculous role. As for our fair heroine, Sigourney Weaver, she wears a becoming new ensemble in every scene – and why shouldn't she? She's supposed to be rich! Music, photography, action, sound and atmospheric effects are all A- 1.
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