The Flash: The Fury of Firestorm (2015)
Season 2, Episode 4
Embrace the Change
27 October 2015
There was literally a man shark in this episode. I mean a shark the size of Gorilla Grodd that walks on two legs like a man. It just hit me how weird that is in the same universe that we have the show Arrow. Oh how far we have come since 2012. Anyway, this episode was all about embracing the change in your life and accepting new possibilities. It's a nice continuation of the first episode's theme of moving forward. Sadly, this episode falls short in many areas.

As I always say with network television, there are a lot of filler episodes and while I don't think this was necessarily the dictionary definition of a filler episode, I hardly believe the events will have much impact on the future of The Flash. It will however have implications for Legends of Tomorrow. I think that's one of the reasons why both Arrow and Flash have gotten off to a slow start is that there's a lot of time spent setting up another show. With Sara in Arrow and Firestorm here, we haven't focused all that much on what would be the main story lines.

Stein's ongoing issues feel like a rehash of season 1's arc with his merging with Ronnie. But I'm glad to see that that side arc appears to be closing until the big crossover mid-season. The idea of picking out a guy to merge with Stein seemed to be taken lighter than it should have. It will be interesting to see how Jax deals with the merge later on in Legends. Perhaps they will dive deeper into more of what Firestorm can do as Stein said? But knowing he will be a major part of Legends took any suspense away from that final fight. Plus, Hewitt overplayed that character right from the start, so I was borderline checked out by the time it came around.

I guess I have to talk about Iris and her mommy issues. We all knew Mrs. West had something else up her sleeve as she wouldn't just show up out of nowhere. It turns out she has Macgregors syndrome, the same disease that Mr. Freeze's wife Nora died from. Yet another easter egg from Batman lore. She also was hiding her *surprise surprise* son from Joe and Iris. Hmm I wonder if his name is Wally. That whole situation just played out a little too predictable.

Wells from earth 2 apparently found access to Star Labs in earth 1 and moped around for the episode before taking down man shark. I wonder if when he was exploring and stalking the place he came across Jay Garrick? Because god knows where he is. I don't know, to me, this episode as a whole felt very disjointed. With a good portion of the material setting up Legends. But I just feel as though most of this stuff could have been spread out over multiple episodes. Maybe I just want less Iris material. The big positive of this episode comes from the ongoing flirtatious relationship between Patty and Barry. A far better fit than Iris will ever be.


+Jax seems to have good presence

+Link to Mr. Freeze

-Too much setting up

-Convoluted episode

-Hewitt overacting

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