30° i februari (2012–2016)
Absolutely terrible
25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am one of those who start a series and follows through to completion and this has got to be one of the few worse series i have watched this year.

NONE of the characters are likable. They are selfish, self centred and just pure hateful.

The script writing is just terrible, it is almost as if twelve monkeys and a human were put in a sack and beaten until the script was completed. Here's the few main reasons why:

1) It is Swedish but based in Thailand. Many of the characters spoke Swedish to the Thai characters (vice versa) and somehow they managed to understand each other. Unless in real life their dialogue are subtitled it defies logic.

2) The wheelchair grumpy guy's wife. With very little training and not completing her dive-master (you will hear this so much you want to die) course, she suddenly can take tourists out for dives. Does not make sense.

3) Grumpy wheel chair guy supposedly died hitting his head as he fell over. Why didn't the wife just call the police and say it is an accident? Also, when the body was recovered, how can the autopsy not discover that?

4) The mother and her 2 daughter. Mother is crazy, rude and stupid beyond belief (the food is shitty was what she said of her own resort). The teenage one: if you mother is dire and recovering from a stroke, why are your loins dictating your actions so much so you leave them alone? The youngest one: unruly, crazy, spoilt arsonist and annoying. I was hoping the gun goes off and kills her but it did not happen. Shame. No explanation of the father.

5) The fat guy who goes from nice to crazy after a few drinks. Also, who buys panties, bra, toothbrush for any self respecting woman you just went out with ONCE and expect marriage? He does.

6) The massage parlour baldy. He beat the pulp out of fat guy but surely the police would have taken statements and blood work would have been administered at the hospital

7) The Thai who went to Sweden and back. He supposedly had or have a thing with crazy Mom but never explained. He only have one expression so I can never tell if he was happy/ sad/ angry/ grimacing etc. Then the weird shooting of an elephant who ran away during a fire, unhurt.

9) His son, who managed a love relationship with teenage Swedish when they do not have a common spoken language.

Other bits includes insensitivities towards Thai/ Asian culture (too many to list); crazy Mom saying horrendous things, one that really stick was after the tsunami that she do not care about others who died or barely surviving. Cliché fillers of underwater shots and random Thai shots which is more for nostalgia than anything.

All in all, if you read this, believe me you are better off watching paint dry than waste your time on this. The acting horrible, the directing (ought to be shot), the storyline and plot so full of holes making it implausible and overall manage to make all Swedes look like some bitter, angst fill crazy nutjobs which they are not (I have Swedish friends, have to ask them what they think about this show). Ugh!
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