Review of Bra Boys

Bra Boys (2007)
Much to do about Nothing
25 October 2015
I'll sum it up: A bunch of white trash Australian guys, drink, fight, swear, and surf. They come from unsupervised backgrounds with no God, no dad, and no guidance. End of story.

That same story is playing out as we speak all over the world in various cultures. It's not the slightest bit interesting or intriguing.

When young men have no soul, they resort to brutal, pagan tribalism.


Why not tell us about their schooling, their ladies, their other hobbies, their religion, and how they make a living?

Gangs need a source of income.

Do the schools and police let these guys just do their thing? Doesn't anyone flag their behavior along the way as they are growing up, or is it just too common, and therefore hopeless?

Well, their ancestors were criminals, so I guess the apple does not fall too far from the tree.
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