Review of Ludo

Ludo (2015)
LUDO: A Frustrated Game -- Don't play unless you hardcore!
24 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well -- just saw this modern indie horror flick -- warning if you are not into industrial or heavy tech music -- you may get a headache -- part of this review try to give these filmmaker positive energy in trying to make something different -- but it a mess --- but shows promise in that they continue this style it may get stronger.

Since there was some nice shots - but really choppy with their editing -- loses the narrative a bit. But if you like gore -- there plenty of it! Editing matches the soundtrack – but gets boring after a awhile. Story has too many twists -- after a awhile the twisted game of Ludo -- seems to lose interest - we get it... you play; you die for all eternity.

Its downfall -- its visuals (which very dark and romantic – horrific but almost Gothic) show much of Indian culture/ landscape – that the soundtrack could have really reflect that instead just having really loud dance music and rock music – maybe filmmakers trying to appeal to Indian teenagers or college students.

FYI: Did see some people immediately walk out during the 1st gory scene – so I guess the film does deliver -- have fun playing Ludo!
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